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Santorini Zen Spa
Services in Akrotiri
Aromatherapy Massage Packages for Couples in Akrotiri
Aromatherapy Rituals for Singles & Couples Akrotiri
Spa Break for Friends in AkrotirI
Aromatherapy Single Massages Akrotiri
Aromatherapy Face Treatments Akrotiri
Aromatherapy Body Treatments Akrotiri
Oriental Massages in Akrotiri
Yoga in Akrotiri Santorini
Services in Fira
Services in Imerovigli
Aromatherapy Massage Packages for Couples in Imerovigli
Aromatherapy Single Massages in Imerovigli
Aromatherapy Face treatments in Imerovigli
Aromatherapy Body treatments in Imerovigli
Aromatherapy Rituals for Couples & Singles in Imerovigli
Mobile Massage Services
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Santorini Zen Spa Digital Consultation Forms | We are located inside Anatoli Hotel, Fira Santorini, Greece
Santorini Zen Spa Digital Consultation Forms
Indicates required field
Your age
Phone Number
Don't forget your countries code!!!
Accomodation Hotel
Please let us know, where do you stay here in Santorini. The name of the hotel and it's exact address. Houses, private villas too.
We need to check if you have any medical conditions that may affect your treatment or visit.
Please be assured that all information will be held confidentially in line with Data Protection and GDPR.
Please complete the Advanced Consultation Card 7 days prior to arrival, to be reviewed.
or any
of your
had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days, including
minor; Fever, Cough, Breathlessness, Headaches, Sore Throat?
Choose Any
Have you been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a doctor or a local public health official in the last 14 days?
Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19, or someone exhibiting cold or flulike symptoms within the last 14 days?
Have you been tested for COVID-19? What type of test did you have? When were you tested? What was the result? Comment below.
Choose Any symptoms
Fever - This means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
Cough – This means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual
Breathlessness - Shortness of breath
Sore Throat
Diarrhea, nausea or a runny nose
Loss of sense of smell and taste
We have a
Cancellation Policy
24 hours before your scheduled appointment, so please keep this in mind should you wish to
your booking.
Should you feel unwell or develop any symptoms within
24 hours of your appointment
, the Cancellation charge will be waived, as the wellbeing of our guests is our priority.
If you are unsure whether to attend your appointment, please
call the Spa
so we can advise you.
I understand that close contact with people increases the risk of infection from COVID-19. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved and give consent to receive massage,
face, body spa session
from the practitioners of Santorini Zen Spa or use the facilities.
I understand that my name and contact information might be shared with the state health department, in the event that me or a client or practitioner
at this facility tests positive for COVID-19.
My contact details will only be shared in the event they are relevant based on suspected exposure date
and only for appropriate follow-up by the health department.
Santorini Zen Spa - Hotel Spa, Akrotiri, Santorini
Spa & Massage services & treatments
inside Santorini Princess Presidential Suites, 84700 Akrotiri Santorini, Greece
Βαθμολογία Επιχείρησης:
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